Blog Archive
We would like to wish all of our patients a happy, healthy, warm, and bright holiday! It’s always fun to share the holidays with Dr. Clemente, our favorite orthodontist. See you in 2018!
We would like to wish all of our patients a safe, warm, and healthy, and happy Thanksgiving! We’re thankful for each and every one of you.
After almost 25 years, Nanette has decided to retire and move to Florida. She has not only been a fabulous employee but a marvelous friend to all of us here at University Dental Care. We want to thank her and wish her and Johnny good health and happiness in their new...
Q: When I moved to this area my previous dentist gave me all my records including photos and x-rays to pass on to the new dentist of my choosing. Although I would have liked to finish my work in Arizona, I was not able to do so. I know I...
Q: I recently moved to the area, and called a local dental office to see about getting my teeth cleaned. I asked how much a cleaning would cost and was told they couldn’t tell me until I had a complete dental exam. All I want is my teeth cleaned, is...
1. 60% of people don’t know that a sore jaw when combined with chest pain is a signal of a heart attack. 2. Each person’s set of teeth is unique, much like his/her fingerprints. Even identical twins don’t have exactly the same set of teeth. Did you know that your...
If You’re Over 30, the Most Important Medical Test You Get This Year Just Might Be Your Visit to the Dentist. Inflammation anywhere in the body has been determined to be the root cause of many chronic diseases like heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. the mouth is a significant source...
Similar to the advances in medicine, which allow robotic surgery with pinpoint accuracy, computer guided dentistry now offers dentists the opportunity to deliver minimally invasive procedures with outstanding aesthetics and precision accuracy.Below is just one example comparing the major difference between traditional tooth preparation for a three-unit bridge and how...
You may read our blog and browse our website, but did you know that we have social media channels as well? Currently, we have a Facebook Page and a LinkedIn Company Page. We’ve had the Facebook since 2013, so you can take a trip down memory lane and revisit some...
Here are 10 reasons why you might want to think twice about a tongue piercing. Tongue piercings can: Cause nerve damage Cause a speech impediment Wear down your natural teeth Cause bad breath Cause chips, cracks, and fractures in your teeth and may damage expensive dental work Cause excessive drooling Cause a...
The average human produces 25,000 quarts (6,250 gallons) of saliva in a lifetime, which is enough to fill 2 swimming pools! If you don’t floss, you miss cleaning up to 40% of your tooth surfaces. This is why you shouldn’t skip flossing in your oral hygiene routine! 50% of people...
What happens after a root canal? How does it affect the tooth? Dr. Rubin discusses an article from the Journal of Endodontics. The article speaks about the time lapse between finishing a root canal on a posterior (back) tooth, such as a molar, and the time a permanent crown is...
Many people grind or clench their teeth from time to time without causing any permanent damage, however, grinding on a regular basis has severe consequences. Factors leading to teeth grinding include the following: stress, anxiety, abnormal bite, missing or crooked teeth, as well as sleep disorders such as sleep apnea. Signs...
Sharing questions taken from Dr. Rubin’s “Ask the Dentist” Home News column. Q: A porcelain crown just chipped. It was put in four years ago. I have since switched dentist about three years ago. Do you think the doctor who did the work would replace or repair it at no charge? ...
Dr. Rubin and his staff would like to wish everyone a very happy and healthy holiday season! Let’s remember the best gift we can share is to be kind to one another. And don’t forget, a warm smile speaks volumes!
Sharing questions taken from Dr. Rubin’s “Ask the Dentist” Home News column. Q: I recently moved and my new dentist does not have the neat little camera that my old dentist had that showed the inside of my mouth on a little color screen. Should I be concerned that he...
Sharing questions taken from Dr. Rubin’s “Ask the Dentist” Home News column. Question: My dentist wants to crown (cap) another one of my teeth but I hate the idea of having another tooth filed down. Are there any alternative treatments to crowns? Dr: Rubin: When a tooth has already been filled...
After almost 25 years practicing dentistry I have noticed that there are many adults who are missing just one tooth. I have also found that this one tooth is usually an upper bicuspid, which is the tooth behind the eye tooth or canine. If left untreated, the front teeth begin...